"Abby" - CH. Kamps' N Normandy's Klass Act
CH. Kamps’ N Normady’s Klass Act “Abby” was instrumental as a top producer for Harriet and me. Her sire was JPK N Cashmere’s Red Randson, and her dam was CH. Kamps’ Klass Klown. Her lineage went back to CH. Kamps’ Kountry Kiss who was Harriet’s top producer of all time with 24 Champions.
Abby was a standout as a puppy and quickly finished her Championship winning Sweepstakes and Best of Varieties.
Abby produced 12 Champions, and over 25 Champion Grandchildren, many of which were American Spaniel Club winners, and also International Champions. Her daughter CH. Normandy-Winters First Klass, also produced 12 Champions.

Click for Abby's Biography!

"SKY" - CH. Normandy-Winters First Klass
One of Abby’s daughters CH. Normandy-Winters First Klass was also a top producer with 12 American and 1 Canadian Champion. Her son and 11th Champion (Austin) CH. Normandy N DeTor’s City Limits was Winners Dog at the January 2004 ASC Show, handled by Harriet. He went on to become a Multiple BISS/BIS winner.
Want to know even more?
Click the button to see her Champion Offspring!

"SAMI" - CH. Kamps’ N Normandy’s Sami Sosa
Abby’s son CH. Kamps’ N Normandy’s Sami Sosa had Group placements and was the sire of 10 Champions. His offspring went on to be very productive in the show world and also made amazing pets.

"AUSTIN" - CH. Normandy N DeTor’s City Limits
CH. Normandy N DeTor’s City Limits was a wonderful dog. Austin was Winners Dog at the January 2004 American Spaniel Club show handled by Harriet. He completed his Championship with two 4 point majors, two 5 point majors and a Best Sporting Puppy all from the 6-9 puppy class.
In 2005, Mike and Linda Pitts took over the helm and expertly guided Austin to become a Multiple BISS/BIS winner.
Austin produced over 10 Champions and a son Rubic’s Flip City also produced 10 Champions.